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Gym Heroes
~ Druckliste ~

Diese Serie umfasst 132 Karten.

Habe ich: Nummer: Dt. Name: Engl. Name: Seltenheit:
|_| |_|1/132Pyros Lavados Blaine's Moltres Holo
|_| |_|2/132Rockos Rizeros Brock's Rhydon Holo
|_| |_|3/132Erikas Pixi Erika's Clefable Holo
|_| |_|4/132Erikas Dragonir Erika´s Dragonair Holo
|_| |_|5/132Erikas Giflor Erika´s Vileplume Holo
|_| |_|6/132Major Bobs Elektek Lt. Surge's Electabuzz Holo
|_| |_|7/132Major Bobs Ibitak Lt. Surge´s Fearow Holo
|_| |_|8/132Major Bobs Magneton Lt. Surge´s Magneton Holo
|_| |_|9/132Mistys Seemon Misty´s Seadra Holo
|_| |_|10/132Mistys Tentoxa Misty's Tentacruel Holo
|_| |_|11/132Rockets Nockchan Rocket's Hitmonchan Holo
|_| |_|12/132Rockets Lavados Rocket´s Moltres Holo
|_| |_|13/132Rockets Sichlor Rocket's Scyther Holo
|_| |_|14/132Sabrinas Gengar Sabrina´s Gengar Holo
|_| |_|15/132Rocko Brock Holo
|_| |_|16/132Erika Erika Holo
|_| |_|17/132Major Bob Lt. Surge Holo
|_| |_|18/132Misty Misty Holo
|_| |_|19/132The Rocket´s Trap* The Rocket´s Trap Holo
|_| |_|20/132Rockos Geowaz Brock's Golem Rare
|_| |_|21/132Rockos Onix Brock's Onix Rare
|_| |_|22/132Rockos Rihorn Brock´s Rhyhorn Rare
|_| |_|23/132Rockos Sandamer Brock's Sandslash Rare
|_| |_|24/132Rockos Zubat Brock´s Zubat Rare
|_| |_|25/132Erikas Piepi Erika's Clefairy Rare
|_| |_|26/132Erikas Sarzenia Erika's Victreebel Rare
|_| |_|27/132Major Bobs Elektek Lt. Surge's Electabuzz Rare
|_| |_|28/132Major Bobs Raichu Lt. Surge's Raichu Rare
|_| |_|29/132Mistys Austos Misty's Cloyster Rare
|_| |_|30/132Mistys Goldini Misty´s Goldeen Rare
|_| |_|31/132Mistys Quappo Misty´s Poliwrath Rare
|_| |_|32/132Mistys Tentacha Misty's Tentacool Rare
|_| |_|33/132Rockets Relaxo Rocket´s Snorlax Rare
|_| |_|34/132Sabrinas Omot Sabrina's Venomoth Rare
|_| |_|35/132Pyros Fukano Blaine´s Growlithe Uncommon
|_| |_|36/132Pyros Kangama Blaine's Kangaskhan Uncommon
|_| |_|37/132Pyros Magmar Blaine's Magmar Uncommon
|_| |_|38/132Rockos Kleinstein Brock's Geodude Uncommon
|_| |_|39/132Rockos Golbat Brock's Golbat Uncommon
|_| |_|40/132Rockos Georok Brock´s Graveler Uncommon
|_| |_|41/132Rockos Schlurp Brock´s Lickitung Uncommon
|_| |_|42/132Erikas Dratini Erika´s Dratini Uncommon
|_| |_|43/132Erikas Owei Erika´s Exeggcute Uncommon
|_| |_|44/132Erikas Kokowei Erika´s Exeggutor Uncommon
|_| |_|45/132Erikas Duflor Erika´s Gloom Uncommon
|_| |_|46/132Erikas Duflor Erika's Gloom Uncommon
|_| |_|47/132Erikas Myrapla Erika´s Oddish Uncommon
|_| |_|48/132Erikas Ultrigaria Erika's Weepinbell Uncommon
|_| |_|49/132Erikas Ultrigaria Erika´s Weepinbell Uncommon
|_| |_|50/132Major Bobs Magnetilo Lt. Surge´s Magnemite Uncommon
|_| |_|51/132Major Bobs Rattikarl Lt. Surge's Raticate Uncommon
|_| |_|52/132Major Bobs Habitak Lt.Surge´s Spearow Uncommon
|_| |_|53/132Mistys Quaputzi Misty´s Poliwhirl Uncommon
|_| |_|54/132Mistys Enton Misty's Psyduck Uncommon
|_| |_|55/132Mistys Golking Misty's Seaking Uncommon
|_| |_|56/132Mistys Starmie Misty's Starmie Uncommon
|_| |_|57/132Mistys Tentacha Misty's Tentacool Uncommon
|_| |_|58/132Sabrinas Alpollo Sabrina's Haunter Uncommon
|_| |_|59/132Sabrinas Rossana Sabrina´s Jynx Uncommon
|_| |_|60/132Sabrinas Lahmus Sabrina's Slowbro Uncommon
|_| |_|61/132Pyros Glumanda Blaine´s Charmander Common
|_| |_|62/132Pyros Fukano Blaine´s Growlihte Common
|_| |_|63/132Pyros Ponita Blaine's Ponyta Common
|_| |_|64/132Pyros Tauros Blain´s Tauros Common
|_| |_|65/132Pyros Vulpix Blain´s Vulpix Common
|_| |_|66/132Rockos Kleinstein Brock's Geodude Common
|_| |_|67/132Rockos Menki Brock´s Mankey Common
|_| |_|68/132Rockos Menki Brock´s Mankey Common
|_| |_|69/132Rockos Onix Brock's Onix Common
|_| |_|70/132Rockos Rihorn Brock´s Rhyhorn Common
|_| |_|71/132Rockos Sandan Brock´s Sandshrew Common
|_| |_|72/132Rockos Sandan Brock´s Sandshrew Common
|_| |_|73/132Rockos Vulpix Brock´s Vulpix Common
|_| |_|74/132Rockos Zubat Brock's Zubat Common
|_| |_|75/132Erikas Knofensa Erika´s Bellsprout Common
|_| |_|76/132Erikas Knofensa Erika's bellsprout Common
|_| |_|77/132Erikas Owei Erika´s Exeggcute Common
|_| |_|78/132Erikas Myrapla Erika´s Oddish Common
|_| |_|79/132Erikas Tangela Erika´s Tangela Common
|_| |_|80/132Major Bobs Magnetilo Lt. Surge´s Magnemite Common
|_| |_|81/132Major Bobs Pikachu Lt. Surge´s Pikachu Common
|_| |_|82/132Major Bobs Rattfratz Lt. Surge´s Rattata Common
|_| |_|83/132Major Bobs Habitak Lt. Surge's Spearow Common
|_| |_|84/132Major Bobs Voltobal Lt. Surge´s Voltorb Common
|_| |_|85/132Mistys Goldini Misty´s Goldeen Common
|_| |_|86/132Mistys Seeper Misty's Horsea Common
|_| |_|87/132Mistys Quapsel Misty´s Poliwag Common
|_| |_|88/132Mistys Jurob Misty's Seel Common
|_| |_|89/132Mistys Muschas Misty´s Shellder Common
|_| |_|90/132Mistys Sterndu Misty´s Staryu Common
|_| |_|91/132Sabrinas Abra Sabrina´s Abra Common
|_| |_|92/132Sabrinas Traumato Sabrina´s Drowzee Common
|_| |_|93/132Sabrinas Nebulak Sabrina´s Gastly Common
|_| |_|94/132Sabrinas Pantimos Sabrina´s Mr. Mime Common
|_| |_|95/132Sabrinas Flegmon Sabrina´s Slowpoke Common
|_| |_|96/132Sabrinas Bluzuk Sabrina´s Venonat Common
|_| |_|97/132Pyros Quiz #1 Blaine´s Quiz #1 Rare
|_| |_|98/132Rocko Brock Rare
|_| |_|99/132Charity* Charity Rare
|_| |_|100/132Erika Erika Rare
|_| |_|101/132Major Bob Lt. Surge Rare
|_| |_|102/132Misty Misty Rare
|_| |_|103/132No Removal Gym* No Removal Gym Rare
|_| |_|104/132The Rocket's Training Gym* The Rocket's Training Gym Rare
|_| |_|105/132Blaine´s Last Resort* Blaine`s Last Resort Uncommon
|_| |_|106/132Rockos Trainingsmethode Brock's Training Method Uncommon
|_| |_|107/132Prismania City Arena Celadon City Gym Uncommon
|_| |_|108/132Azuria City Arena Cerulean City Gym Uncommon
|_| |_|109/132Erika´s Maids* Erika´s Maids Uncommon
|_| |_|110/132Erika´s Perfume* Erika´s Perfume Uncommon
|_| |_|111/132Gute Manieren Good Manners Uncommon
|_| |_|112/132Lt. Surge's Treaty* Lt. Surge's Treaty Uncommon
|_| |_|113/132Minion of Team Rocket* Minion of Team Rocket Uncommon
|_| |_|114/132Misty's Wrath* Misty's Wrath Uncommon
|_| |_|115/132Mamoria City Arena Pewter City Gym Uncommon
|_| |_|116/132Recall* Recall Uncommon
|_| |_|117/132Sabrina's ESP* Sabrina's ESP Uncommon
|_| |_|118/132Geheime Mission Secret Mission Uncommon
|_| |_|119/132Tickling Machine* Tickling Machine Uncommon
|_| |_|120/132Orania City Arena Vermilion City Gym Uncommon
|_| |_|121/132Blaine´s Gamble* Blaine´s Gamble Common
|_| |_|122/132Energy Flow* Energy Flow Common
|_| |_|123/132Mistys Duell Misty´s Duel Common
|_| |_|124/132Enge Arena Narrow Gym Common
|_| |_|125/132Sabrina's Gaze* Sabrina's Gaze Common
|_| |_|126/132Trash Exchange* Trash Exchange Common
|_| |_|127/132Kampfenergie Fighting Energy Common
|_| |_|128/132Feuerenergie Fire Energy Common
|_| |_|129/132Pflanzenenergie Grass Energy Common
|_| |_|130/132Elektroenergie Electric Energy Common
|_| |_|131/132Psychoenergie Psychic Energy Common
|_| |_|132/132Wasserenergie Water Energy Common

Diese Seite sowie die Carddex.System-Technology V.4.2 wurden von GoldenerPhoenix und Iruini erstellt und sind deren geistiges Eigentum.
Alle Inhalte, die sich auf Pokémon™ beziehen, sind rechtlich bei Nintendo und GameFreak geschützte Markenprodukte.
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